#1. b. Blue

Kathryne Downing Hart on Sep 16, 2024

Cons would include the taxpayers money to imprison while waiting deportation. Prison costs vastly more than what we spend on public education for the same families.

Also if children have been born here in the US then they are US citizens. Are we suggesting to split up the family and place the children in Foster care? Taxpayer expense and higher chance the child ends up in school to prison pipeline.

Also keep in mind that in addition to the income taxes that may or may not be collected (I am not assuming income, social security, and Medicaid are collected as they may be working for cash), immigrants do pay sales tax and in a round about way property tax. This is why Southern states have been opting for higher sales and property taxes vs income tax. Renters pay property tax via higher rents to their landlord. And everyone pays sales tax.

How would a mass deportation impact the rental housing demand? Would rents or property values decrease? How will it impact consumer demand? Will we have deflation? Will local sales in areas with the most immigrants decrease?

Are you increasing costs for mass deportation action at the same time you are decreasing tax revenues via reduced tax base? Does that translate to higher taxes per American?

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