#2. b. Red

Paul Peters on Sep 29, 2024

David Treppendahl and others to his post, David makes the statement that—-“We don’t need cheap gasoline. We need it to cost twice as much or more than it cost now.” This is totally ridiculous as this is his remedy on how to protect the environment and make it safer for us to exist with clean water, clean air, etc.

First, I AGREE that the environment is deteriorating and that we need to do our part in the US over time to preserve fresh water and clean air. However, David leaves out that it is totally impossible for the US to do this alone! The United States cannot put an environmental “bubble“ around North America to protect the environment. With the likes of China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and other countries building hundreds of fossil fuel powered factories, the environment will continue to deteriorate as the US cannot protect the environment in isolation. 

Second, even if we do continue the mandate for electric cars into the near future in the US, keep in mind that fossil fuels are used in those factories and manufacturing facilities that produce the electric cars. Further, most of our electricity is built around fossil fuels and, the wind powered electric facilities all require petroleum products in order to keep them going and producing electricity. 

Third, becoming the dominant energy producer in the world, enables us to totally stop buying oil from enemies of our country like Venezuela and others. We will become the net seller of oil in the world which gives us a huge advantage in not only lowering cost for our US citizens across-the-board, but, also giving us negotiating advantages to become a safer country.

Finally, fossil fuels and oil not only provide us with most of our electricity, but also are used to produce many of the products that are on your shelf in your pantry as well as most of the items around and in your home. By becoming the dominant energy producer in the world, we we will substantially reduce the cost at the pump for transportation and also lower the cost of living for everyone in our country.

So, David’s ideas about doubling the cost at the pump would be disastrous for households around America that are barely making it today just paying their bills and keeping a roof over their heads.

This idea of doubling the price of gasoline is ridiculous and preposterous that we could even make that statement in trying to put a “bubble” around America to make us more environmentally safe.

Yes, the overall environment is deteriorating around the world. Sadly, we cannot control that deterioration alone as many countries will never sign off on environmentally safe production of goods and services.

In the end, result, we must become the dominant player in energy production in the world as outlined by Trump’s presidential policy promises. 

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