#3. a. Red

Kevin Couhig on Oct 7, 2024

Mark Couhig i don’t often disagree with you but in the instance of propsed tarrifs i find myself in a minority.

I have, however, personal experience that demonstrates Trump is correct.

During his first term he imposed tarrifs on products a company I was Chairman of and there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

What was the result?

First, we shrank our margins to maintain pricing ( no inflation) making slightly less but maintaining our market share.

Second, we began a process to move our manufacturing out of China! Which we did successfully.

Those tarrifs provided significant more revenue ( which is why Biden has kept them in place) and they changed the behavior of US based manufacturers

Trump was right and I was wrong because unlike most politicians he knows that tax policy affects behavior not just receipts. .

Now you will never convince David Treppendahl that he is incorrect no matter what evidence you produce. Which is why i ignore his drivel.

We must change many poilicies to move away from the uniparty globalist behavior that has damaged the US.

Tax policy, using our resources for the needs of Americans first, stsying out of the endless futile wars. If we don’t abandon such foolishness we are doomed

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