#2. b. Blue

Peter Donofrio October 2, 2024

David E. Weller 1. You met a meteorologist who was a climate change denier. A weather man. Not a climatologist, not a research scientist, but a dude who points at green screens, wears a suit, and talks on TV. You’ve lived next door to a National Lab filled with scientists who research dozens of different aspects of climate change. Why have you not spoken to a single one?

2. Wind turbines make far more power during their lifespan than what is used for their construction. Obviously. In a single year a 0.5 MWe turbine will generate 1445 MWe. Their construction will require less than 2 MWe of power. How can you be so gullible as to listen to obviously false talking points and not bother to even attempt to do the easy math yourself? Your confirmation bias is crippling you my friend.

3. Your concerns of severe weather causing major issues with electrical generation are well founded. This is why generation diversity continues to be an important strategy for our nation. Wind, solar, nuclear, biomass, hydro, geothermal are all excellent, carbon neutral power sources already in use today.

4. The earths atmospheres CO2 content may have been higher than today MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO. How many global extinction events occurred between then and now? How rapidly did the atmospheres content change then compared with today?

5. I have worked in the electric industry my entire professional career as well brother

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